Learn how to start off your day properly and be more productive with your time! By: Anagha S. They say that the way you start the first part of your day determines how the rest of the day goes. So, if you wake up and you're in a rush(cue stress), chances are, you're going to feel not so great the entire day. What if I told you that by implementing a simple and effective morning routine you could have a productive and fulfilling ... Read the Post...
Why Kindness Could Improve Your Mental Health
Learn how you could improve your mental health by introducing kindness into your life! By: Anagha S. Have you ever wondered if there was a small, but meaningful way you could improve your mental health? I think we all have tbh. In this blog post, I share how simply being kind could have long term positive effects on your mental health! If you want even more exclusive mental health(as well as lifestyle)content, then subscribe to Ana ... Read the Post...
The Absolute Cutest Spring Makeup Look!
Get your spring makeup aesthetic ready for 2021! By: Anagha S. Guess who's celebrating their blog post silver jubilee????? ME! Welcome to Ana Health Avenue's 25th blog post! Today, I'm sharing the absolute cutest spring makeup look for 2021! If you like this type of content, then subscribe to Ana Health Avenue so you never miss a blog post! Primer Trust me, primer is one of the most important makeup steps...it creates an ... Read the Post...
5 Insanely Fun Beauty Activities To Do With Your Friends!
Bond with your friends like never before with these 5 super fun beauty activities! By: Anagha S. Do you want to learn about some insanely fun beauty related activities to do with your friends? Then you're in the right place! In this blog post, I'm telling you the 5 beauty activities you NEED to do with your friends ASAP! Let's get into it! Psssst...do you want more health and beauty related content? Then subscribe to Ana Health ... Read the Post...