Dear reader,
If you’re reading this post, that means that you’ve probably found it by scrolling through my page or you’re a subscriber 🙂
I’m writing this post 1 day before my blog’s 1 year anniversary, and all I can say is…wow.
Just wow.
I started this blog in the middle of a pandemic: I was frustrated, bored and in need of an outlet to express my very opinionated thoughts on all things health, lifestyle, and beauty.
This past year has been absolutely amazing; even though the growth has been slow, it’s definitely been a year of learning. My passion for health and beauty has only grown because of this blog, and I’m definitely a happier person now that I have AHA.
So I want to say thank you to the people who read my blog this year, thank you to the people who subscribed to my blog(that’s you lil’ bro), and thank you to the people in my life who supported this endeavor of mine: it means the world <3
But enough about this past year…I want to talk about this upcoming year.
It’s gonna be epic 😉
I used the first year of my blog as a year of learning about this crazy online world. Now that I know some stuff(kinda, not really), I’m ready to take my blog to the next level.
Yup, I’m talking ads, affiliate marketing, and expanding my audience on my blog and on Pinterest big time.
Some of my second year blogging goals include getting into Mediavine(a premier ad agency), monetizing my blog(through ads and affiliate marketing), taking courses to further my knowledge(currently manifesting Perfecting Pinterest), and just seriously growing my audience.
The last thing, and one of the most important ones, is telling more people about my blog. Less than 10 people in my personal life know about it, and that’s mainly my fault. I think that bloggers are pressured to feel embarrassed of chasing their passions, and I just want to say: never be ashamed of going out and doing the dang thing.
There’s this quote I really love(it’s currently on my vision board): “be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire”.
And this year, I’m going to start living up to it. 🙂
If you’re still here, congratulations!!!! Hopefully, someday, I’ll be celebrating much bigger numbers than just 1. But hey, gotta start somewhere. 😉
Thank you soooo much for reading this blog post! Be sure to subscribe and follow AHA on Pinterest to never miss our content!
And now, I’m saying bye to year 1 and hello to year 2. I can’t wait to see what it brings.